2018-19 Coach Education
A total of 218 candidates have completed courses with the Guernsey FA during the 2018/19 season, as part of a total of 145 hours of coach education delivery, which serves to illustrate the GFA’s commitment to supporting the local volunteer workforce.
The 145 hours does not include in-situ visits, which are now part of the FA Level 2 Coaching Football qualification, with coaches on the Level 2 course receiving a minimum of two tutor in-situ visits to support them through the qualification. These visits take place at the coaches venue and with their players, as this has been found to be more beneficial than purely support on the course itself. Feedback following these visits has been positive.
A full breakdown of the courses delivered during the 2018/19 season is as follows:
Name of Course |
Number of courses delivered in 2018/19 |
FA Junior Football Leaders Award |
4 |
FA Introduction to First Aid in Football |
4 |
FA Licensed Coaches Club CPD |
1 |
FA Safeguarding Children Workshop |
4 |
FA Basic Referee Course |
1 |
FA Welfare Officer Workshop |
1 |
UEFA B License (FA Level 3 Coaching) |
1 |
FA Level 1 Coaching |
2 |
FA Level 2 Coaching |
1 |
Guernsey FA Football Development Officer, Angus Mackay, commented that:
“This season has been historic in the fact that we have begun the delivery of the first ever UEFA B License (FA Level 3 Coaching) Course to take place in Guernsey. This course has been supported by Andy Poole, County Coach Developer for Northamptonshire and Guernsey, and has been well received by the coaches on the course. The course was also kindly supported by Guernsey FC, who provided tickets for a home fixture at Footes Lane, allowing the candidates to perform a matchday observation task.”
UEFA B Course Candidate, Stew Moyles, commented that
“It was great to spend time with dedicated coaches and discuss how we plan, deliver and evaluate practices to best develop players. Block 1 of the UEFA B license has helped me understand and fine tune why we coach what we coach along with how we coach. I’m excited to begin my project and continue to catch up with coaches from the course and meet up in Block 2!”
More information on the UEFA B Licence can be accessed by clicking here
Mackay continued:
“The FA Junior Football Leaders Award has again proved popular, with the first course being delivered to female only candidates at the Ladies College. Another historic moment was the first course to be delivered purely involving volunteers from one club, Guernsey Rovers AC. A total of 11 young volunteers attended the JFLA with Rovers and a further 8 students from the Ladies College. The JFLA, in partnership with Ravenscroft, has also taken place at St Sampsons High School and with students from Elizabeth College. More detail on these courses can be viewed by clicking here, here and here.
Local football is fortunate to have the support of two FA Coach Mentors in Guernsey, Mike Garnett and Steve Sharman. Between them they have delivered 118.5 Coach Mentoring Hours with FA Charter Standard Clubs on the island. Moving into the 2019/2020 season, Angus Mackay has been appointed as a further FA Coach Mentor to support the SSE Wildcat centres in the Channel Islands.