Group of girls high fiving wearing blue bibs

The Grassroots Code

Good behaviour deserves everyone’s respect

Created with contributions gathered from grassroots clubs, The Grassroots Code will improve and maintain the standards everyone expects to see at your own club as well as others.

To do so, The Grassroots Code includes Standards of Behaviour which ensure a positive football environment for all. They’re very clear, so everyone can understand and remember them:

• Enjoy The Game - we're here to enjoy ourselves... win, lose or draw.
• Give Respect - we always treat others as we'd like to be treated.
• Be Inclusive - we embrace our differences... football is a game for everyone.
• Work Together - we're a team, on and off the pitch.
• Play Safe - we all have a role in safeguarding children.

Together, these Standards of Behaviour promote a positive, inclusive and respectful football experience for everyone.
One in which your club can take pride in. One which makes even the strongest football clubs stronger.
One which better represents our communities.

the grassroots code