Soccer School World Champs 2018
Following on from the success of the first holiday courses of 2018, when an average of 90 children per day enjoy a fun filled week of coaching during February half-term, Guernsey FA and Guernsey FC Soccer School are pleased to announce details of the next holiday courses during the Easter period.
Starting on Tuesday 3rd April, will be the ‘World Champs 2018’ tournament, which will be held at Victoria Avenue. Since the partnership between Guernsey FC Soccer School and Guernsey FA was established, a number unique tournament based events have been delivered, including the Euro’s Tournament and the Dutch Masters Tournament. These vents have proven to be extremely popular and enjoyable and more of the same can be expected of the Easter Tournament.
Guernsey FC Soccer School founder and Director, Tony Vance, commented that;
‘We were delighted about how well received the tournament formats proved to be in the last couple of years, and with having such a great attendance, it proves that how much the children simply enjoy playing the game, irrespective of the format. Whilst the Football for a Fiver program remains the flagship element of the partnership with Guernsey FA, these unique and innovative tournaments provide a different and exciting experience for so many local children. We are excited about the upcoming World Champs 2018 tournament, along with the following week of Soccer School activities when the ever-popular Football for a Fiver programme returns’.
To register for the ‘World Champs 2018’ tournament, please download and complete the entry form, which should be returned to the Guernsey FA office. Alternatively, please email for a copy of the registration form.
Registration for the Football for a Fiver week, starting on Monday 9th April through to Wednesday 11th April, is via the Soccer School website. Please click here to access the Soccer School website.